Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Management Leadership Mismanagement and Poor Infrastructure

Question: Discuss about the Management Leadershipfor Mismanagement and Poor Infrastructure. Answer: Introduction The South African railway transportation system is a major player in sustaining the social and economic activities of its people. This is because it provides a reliable, safe and affordable means of transport for the goods and people. However, about the recent activities, the company facility has been facing a lot of technical and managerial challenges that if not controlled could means its fall. According to a recent report, the Metrorail facility has experience traffic growth and other deteriorating issues. According to the South Africas Daily Maverick reporter Simelane Nicolson, (2015), the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), has succumbed to crime, mismanagement, poor infrastructure, poor maintenance of rail facilities and poor leadership. This has resulted in the fall down of the once referred to as the transportation hub of South Africa Metrorail facility(Elliot, 2015). This case study looks at some of the challenges and strategies to maintain the metropolitan railw ay through looking at some of the potential critical failure modes and recommend policies that can be implemented to improve the services of the Metrorail. Problem Analysis The main overriding issues here has been blamed on the management of PRASA. This was because the railway is run by two state owned enterprises known as the Transnet Limited for long distance passenger services and freight rail services while the South African Rail Commuter Corporation will provide for commuter services. However, Transnet Limited operated the commuter rail service which led to the onset of the PRASA problems. As SARCC would manage commuter rail assets, Metrorail was responsible for maintaining the facility operations. There was thus leadership issues, as it was not clear about the roles of each enterprise, especially SARCC and Metrorail(Simelane Nicolson, 2015). This meant that maintenance of the rail transport facility would eventually suffer. In the end, the facility underperformed leading to low investment. Problems at the South African Metrorail In April 2010, the Financial Mail reported that PRASA managers have to deal with poor and ageing equipment, reduction of rolling stock, vandalism and crime from time to time. At some point, anger protestors have become arsonists who continue to vandalize the facility. By the Month of May 2010, PRASA had no choice but to reduce its rail service on all lines due to striking workers. This reduced their passenger influx from 2.5 million to 2.2 million daily across all points. This was mainly blamed on the fact that each enterprise was not able to conduct its roles as required by the government(Hunter Zwane, 2015). For example, Transnet Limited which operated the commuter rail service was also managed by SARCC(prasa, 2017). On the other hand, Metrorail which was supposed to maintain and improve rail facilities, was not able to do so. In the end, due to inaccessibility of the rail service, many passengers opting for bus transport and other minibus taxis. This means that the facility often experience an amplification of risks in terms of operation. There is a lot of inadequacy with regard to the maintenance of the railway track poor inspection leading to uncontrolled operation of the facility, derailments and rail failures. Solutions to the Problem The main solution to the problem begins with the clear definition of roles for the three stakeholders that are meant to control and manage PRASA. This is the SARCC, Transnet Limited, and Metrorail(Elliot, 2015). All of these departments should re-defined and given their roles to perform. In this manner, the following is the solution: First, there should be the integration of minibus taxi transport and that of rail. This should be the roles of Metrorail. They should ensure that there is proper coordination between the two modes of transport. This will reduce the rail traffic which will enable PRASA to handle their customers efficiently. In this regard they should also expand their network service so as to cover more areas for rail transport(PRASA, 2017). The should find ways of improving funding and financial position, this will also means that they will have to hire enough personell to carter for the ever demand for rail transport in the country.(PRASA, 2017). The roles of Metrorail should be redefined independent of the other enterprises owned by the government. Each stakeholder should be allowed to control his or her department independent of the other. This means that the maintenance department, should not manage the passenger or career and freight department. Redefining roles is important when it comes to leadership and management of business. The other solution would be to privatize the PRASA, this will make it independent from government interference(PRASA, 2017). If the rail transport facility is privatized, there will be room for more reforms irrespective of political opinions. Recommendation With regard to the above case study, the transport industry in South Africa can still regain its glory as it did during the world cup of 2010. It is thus recommended that the whole management structure should be reviewed to allow for reforms. The whole infrastructure of the commuter rail transport system should be managed differently from that of freight and other careers. When this is done well, there will be a reduction of conflict of interest between stakeholders in the industry. Lastly, commuter security should be improved to enable customer confidence in the transport system. References Elliot, K., 2015. Delays, faults and failures: what is to be done about Metrorail?. [Online] Available at: https://www.groundup.org.za/article/delays-faults-and-failures-what-be-done-about-metrorail_2693/ [Accessed 18 January 2017]. Hunter, Q. Zwane, T., 2015. Inside Prasa Dirty Battles. [Online] Available at: https://mg.co.za/article/2015-07-23-inside-prasas-dirty-battles [Accessed 19 January 2017]. prasa, 2017. Prasa Factsheet. [Online] Available at: https://www.prasa.com/Fact%20Sheets.html [Accessed 19 January 2017]. PRASA, 2017. Strategy. [Online] Available at: https://www.prasa.com/Strategy.html [Accessed 19 January 2017]. Simelane, B. Nicolson, G., 2015. Metrorail in Johannesburg: A community problem. [Online] Available at: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2015-03-12-metrorail-in-johannesburg-a-community-problem/#.WIJWktRoMj4 [Accessed 19 January 2017].

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